Here's to you dearest friend on your birthday:
To crashing 80 year olds birthday parties, swaying on stage at the Schuster Center in our fanciest Ebony apparel, to putting off studying for exams for Leisha Hailey, the day we rode a school bus through Yellow Springs, the time the Gouda gals broke into an abandoned amusement park..the Merc..a frat haus for free M&Ms and snatched beer. When our wedge would start dance parties by simply playing a little Gaga. To the nights when we'd sleep in the Science Center, wake up at 6am to see Cathy at Panera, would guess if Jason from Steak & Shake was having a good night, painted all those boxes in the BoomBoom Haus, FREUND visits, posing for professors in front of power plants (and never getting the prints...) To the time we showed up in African garb to a jungle themed party, or the time you, Sondawgy and I drank beer & ate icecream in Friendship Park under the cover of night. To being divas and making Diane Birch wait for US. Here's to car struggles in snow banks, posing in cementaries, train tracks, grocery stores. The lesbian Chipotle. The time you told that old dude in the truck to "AH! Shut the hell up".. To all the nights we'd climb the highest roofs, spent our entire Sophomore year making 20 minutes videos for each other (while convinced the next morning of classes wouldn't come all that soon..) Would drink Cosmos on Masque's rooftop, met Ingrid Michaelson before complaining that we didn’t have tickets…then somehow ended up front row center...*creeps*
To our annual Christmas card, sneaking into movies for free, walking to the Dollar Store during snowstorms, slipping on the ice at Christmas on Campus right after one another, meetings with Vigie, watching the drunks in shopping carts fall out of Milanos, purple wigs from Exotic Fantasies, the days of Jamie Ann Vandevelde at Belmont, continuously crappy Barn Jams, eating burnt hot dogs with hooker cats, sneaking out of Art History classes (still getting A's on the research papers??) The tree haus room where you closed the door, turned off the lights, and gave me a high-five all while laying in your bed. Speaking of Treehaus, here's to the Treelodge. Chicago trips filled with green rivers, Chris + Nat, and midges hogging Missy. Pitchfork. Moshpits. “Hold on to your child” signs. Friday traditions of mac & cheese, Ele and Mikes Hard. When we met on the hill in front of the photo lab..and being the greatest homies ever since.
Thanks for still being my friend even after all those drunken nights, the days of obsessing over the new weekly crush "GOOD TO SEE YOU!", or that night I was crying under the table in the CPC and you drove to DLM at 3 in the morning for the perfect remedy: gouda. Mostly, for the time you came jumping out after me in the window-crashing events, just as Edward Sharpe would have wanted it. Thanks for enduring all those Tegan & Sara marathons, the times I was unbearable to live with (more often than not!), the all-nighters.
You, my friend, are my hoodrich better half, the sweetest girl I know, and the coolest roomie, bestie, partner-in-crime I can ask for. I hope your birthday is all of this and mo!!
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